Saturday, May 3, 2014

What's for dinner??

If there is one thing that I am, it is predictable.  I am the biggest creature of habit you'll ever meet (yeah I know, understatement of the year!).  Which means that dinners start to get boring! I hate to leave my comfort zone and that means making the same things over and over.  Not to mention I try to make healthy meals and sometimes coming up with new healthy recipes seems like too much work! So, I decided I was going to start trying at least two new meals every week.  Come on, it doesn't get much easier with all the recipes on the interweb.  I decided my first meal would be Crunchy BBQ Brisket Tacos.

You can find the full recipe and soooooo many others over at mix and match mama!  She has a blog FULL of fantastic recipes.  However since words are hard I decided to share some pictures and tell you how I prepared mine.  Here's what you need.....

My brisket was 2.75lbs and it was perfect.  Made enough for everybody for dinner and enough left over for Ryan to take to work in his lunch!!

Then I salt and peppered and browned it for 4 minutes on each side in some EVOO!!  Next time I may use a little garlic powder and some seasoned salt cuz us country folk don't cook any meat without those key ingredients.
Then into the crockpot with the salsa and water and let it cook!! 

Once it is done and cut up you mix it with your fave BBQ sauce (you can get all the details at the website above).  The recipe calls for 1-2 cups of BBQ sauce. I used 1 cup and it was PLENTY!!!

I filled all the tacos and put them in the oven with the cheese on top so they all cooked together for the cheese to melt, then topped with the sliced green onions!!
I know you may be a bit skeptical on this one, and I was too!  But I have to say that they were sooooo fresh and yummy and different (did I mention EASY?!?!).  My boys loved them and gave them two thumbs up.  Baby girl on the other hand gave me an, Eh!   However she is a teenager so that is what she says about most things :-)

There ya have it!!  Now it's your turn.  The weekend is the perfect time to throw something in the crock pot and let it cook all day while you go out and do something fun!  So, give this one a whirl, and email ( me your pictures and tweaks and I'll add them to the post!

Now I'm off to buy grass seed.......

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