Monday, May 20, 2013

Status Update....FINALLY!!

So obviously we have been busy cuz I have been slacking on my bloggerly duties!!  However not tonight!  Nope I am here to get you caught up.  I mean come on, I should have something to talk about every effing night!  So let's get this party started!

Here are some pictures of the barn from tonight:

Yep the barn is pretty much done!  We are just waiting on the barn doors to arrive and then we Ryan and the guys will install them.  They should be in by the end of this week or the beginning of next.  Also, please note that we aren't building a barn on stilts ;) We will be moving some dirt around to bring the grade up.  Our house is going to be quite a bit out of the ground so we will be doing lots of grading.....

Now onto the house:
This is the front view....

Annnnndddd this is where our *blurry* front porch will be....

Here is the view from the soon to be basement....

And another angle in the basement...that will be the door to the cellar or whatever it is called.  I can't for the life of me remember what Ryan called it.  However I think he is going to make me start canning ;)

Sooooooo there ya have it.  Whew I think we are all caught up now!  So I am back on track to provide regular updates.  The foundation should be completely done this week and then they will hopefully start framing the end of next week or the beginning of the following week :-)