Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Guess Who's Coming Today???

Man I am just full of riddles lately, aren't I?  Well it just so happens that the BUILDING INSPECTOR is coming today to do our rough inspection!  I am awfully excited and a little nervous.  Sooooooo keep your fingers crossed that we get this.....

Now back to the pretty stuff.  So my birthday was a couple weeks ago and I found these four little gems at Home Goods and told Ryan that I had found my birthday present!!!  Thennnnn I had to figure out a way to squeeze them in the back of my Jeep.  Apparently all those years of Tetris paid off!

Here they are in the sunroom just waiting to be broken in (and I don't mean by Ryan, Jarod and my dad on their lunch breaks)!  They look more beige below but the picture above is more the real color!

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