Monday, December 12, 2011

I think it is for real this time!!

Wooohhoooo!!  We have a signed agreement :)  Yiippppeeeee!!  Just got that taken care of today and had the home inspection TONIGHT!!

Here it is in all it's glory :) 

Did I say yiiippppeeeeeee yet??  Oh wow, doesn't that look like a festive table in the background?

Not only did we just get the contract this morning but we also found out that they wanted to do the home inspection at 6:30....tonight!!  Well we had it at 6:30 and let me tell you how that went......

Yep, you saw that right!  He gave us the big ole thumbs up!  Yahooooo!  Now we have to wait for the appraisal.  Once we get the appraisal back and it is high enough then we can really start packing.  Don't want to jinx anything though by getting started.  I really hope we have the appraisal done and back by next week!

Once we do get the appraisal back I am going to break down and have one of these delivered:

Shhhhhhhh, don't tell the kids but a whole lotta stuff out of the toy room is going to find a new home in the dumpster.  Look out Grandma Peg and Grandpa Tom....HERE WE COME!!!

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