Thursday, June 30, 2011


That is me saying good bye to another potential buyer!!  Hahahahha, the last guy that kept stopping by without calling the realtor called tonight to tell us that he is renting another house.  Ryan thought it was courteous of the guy to let us know.  Me???  I said uhmmmmmm thanks for the news flash captain obvious..... 

 Like I really thought that cat was going to come back with a pre-approval letter.  Once I got in touch with our realtor and let him know the scoop he said there was probably WAY more to that guy's story than we would EVER care to know!  So....onto bigger and better buyers :D

Remember that whole blue light special thing?????? 

Yep we just re-signed with our realtor and dropped the price to $154,900.  I hope somebody is prepared to make a full price offer cuz that is as low as we can go!!! Ugghhhhhh, oh well I have a good feeling about this.  Oh and Doug (our realtor) came out and took some new summer pictures of the outside of the house.  Hopefully it will drum up some business.  Wait....maybe THIS will drum up some business!!
Just sayin'.......

Well there ya have it.  These are the days of my life :P   My mamacita thinks we should rearrange the living room to make it look bigger.  Looks like me and Grandma Peg are gonna bust out the sliders on Monday and move some furniture!!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Do we attract bizarre situations or what???

Hahaha yeah I think we are some sort of odd situation magnets!!!  Before I get to the deets I just have to confirm for Katie that I did indeed get some Costco flowers for tonight...

Ok, ok so I spent lots of time this weekend getting the house ready and when he showed up tonight he didn't even bring his wife.  As a matter of fact he didn't even go any further than the breezeway!!  Hey, if nothing else my house is super sparkling and ready for the week.  Onto the situation.  He said he really wants the house but is just starting this new job and is worried he won't get financing.  He wants to do a lease for 6 months paying the full house payment and then get the mortgage in 6 months because he think he is more likely to get approved then!!  Uhhhhmmmm does he really think 6 months is going to make a difference?  He said he was at his last job for 11 years (that job was a conractor for Columbia Gas) and now he is working directly for Columbia Gas.  Ryan and I were both very honest and said that we didn't think 6 months would be that much different from now.  At least that is my theory.  He hasn't even tried to get pre-approved.  Uhhmmm hello dude do you not know that you can do all this stuff over the phone and in no time at all???  Why would he not even attempt to get approved now?  The makes me kind of leary but maybe he is just cluelss...not sure which!!  We told him we would talk about the lease thing but really WANT to do the mortgage .  Hopefully he gets his shizz together and calls his bank.  We'll see what happens......
I gotta say I really don't think we would even THINK about the lease so hopefully he miraculously calls us and says that he has been pre-approved.  He said he didn't want to bring his wife and get her hopes up if we couldn't work something out!  So there it stands.  Why can't we just get somebody with no weird baggage to show up with a full price offer???  Ahhhhhhh a girl can dream!!

 Well whatevs....I think we are going to drop the price to $154,900 and that is AS LOW AS WE CAN GO!!  This is our last attempt.  I sure hope this works.  Blue light special in aisle 3.....

Finally I have to give a special shout out to my baby girl who is celebrating her 11th birthday today!!!  Wow, where does the time go???  It really freaks me out that I have an 11 year old!!  She is my little princess.  Here she is rockin' the iPod that Ryan, Jake and I got her!!  Man she sure is cute....


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Is that all???

Ok, so I don't really have anything earth shattering tonight!!  I do but I really can't say too much!!  So, that being said, I really do feel like the stars are aligning!!  I do believe that things happen for a reason...and things are going to start happening :)

So check back and I will let you in on the scoop as I can!!  Keep doing those house selling dances for us!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Could St. Joseph work his magic THAT quick????

Things that make ya go hmmmmmmmmmm!!!  Yeah you read that title right!!!  What an interesting night.  Ryan was outside tonight after dinner and a guy pulled in the driveway in a mini-van....I just figured he was asking directions.  Next thing you know Ryan comes blowing in the house asking for his barn keys and tells me that the guy outside REALLY wants to see the house and NOW!!!  All I was thinking was, whew good thing I did some work on the house this evening!!
Don't get me wrong, the house wasn't anywhere near perfect like it would be if I had staged it but it was good enough ( I guess).
Anywho, the guy said he really liked it and the barn sold it for him.  However, as any husband would say, he needs the wife's approval.  They live in Frankenmuth (to my bff's:  I hope he didn't see that sign in Frankenmuth with all our pictures on it about the fact that we aren't allowed back there :P) and they
need to relocate closer to Toledo soon!!  Needless to say I think my new bff St. Joseph is sending the vibes our way!!!  He said he is sold but doesn't want to commit to anything until he talks with his wife.  Soooooooo, *fingers crossed* that she likes the house as much.  He is going to bring her and their kids down this weekend!!
Hey, at least that will give me time to stage the house perfectly for his wife to inspect. 

In the mean time I will keep my fingers crossed and I will be having dreams of this tonight:

I expect each and everyone of you reading this to stand up and do a "sell Ryan and Mindy's house dance".  Oh and I also dare you to post pictures of you doing that exact dance in my comments!!!!  Come a little!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I can't believe I forgot!!

We went out to the property on Sunday and I totally forgot to share the pictures of Jake's tree we planted.  As I told you before, Jake got a teeny, tiny sprig of a pine tree from his agricultural field trip day in May.  We took it out to the property and much to our surprise that thing has been growing like crazy!!  Check it out.....

Can you see it right there in the center???  Isn't it so stinkin' cute???  Ryan wanted to go out there and put some fertilizer on it and a metal steak so the farmer wouldn't run it over.  Jake was pretty proud of it too!!

I think my little precious Emma was even proud of it.  Here is Ryan in action....driving the stake and putting the fertilizer on the tree!!

He is such a good helper!!  So the field is planted and the St. Joseph statue is buried so I hope Pam and Doug are ready for the phone to ring off the hook!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The house is gonna sell fo shizzle now!!!

You wanna know why????  Well there are 2 reasons......

1.  We just received this!!

So my sweet St. Joseph statue showed up yesterday...HOLLA!!!  We finally got 'er buried today...

Honey biscuit was kind enough to dig me a hole for my statue AND smile for the camera.  He is such a good boy !!  Puts up with my blogging torture!

Here he is in his hole.  After this, we buried him like the directions told us to and I said the 2 prayers.  I said the 2 prayers and I was NOT struck by lightening so all was well!!

2.  We just met with a local farmer to plant beans on the property.  So you know full well now that we will have 6 acres full of beans, we will sell the house.  If we sell the house we will have to pay the farmer for the beans if we need to start building before he harvests.  Soooo as I said....I am sure it will sell tomorrow so we have to pay for the beans.  Hey I am totally down with that.  If that is what it takes then so be it!!

Here are some pictures from the property today!!  Everything is growing like crazy...sooooo it will be good to have it planted to keep the weeds down.

Oh annnddddd we had somebody go blowing by the house and stop and turn around to come get our info off the sign.  Well, either that or they were casing the joint.  I really hope they just wanna buy it!!

Happy Father's Day to all you dad's out there!!!!!

Oh and an especially happy Father's Day to my dad, my father-in-law, and my fabulous husband :D The best dad's ANYBODY could ever ask for!!!!

I'll leave you with one last picutre of my VERY cute boo-boo kitties!! 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Where do I begin??

Ok, so no property pictures yet!  Whew it has been a busy week and we just haven't made it there in between ball games and practices.  Now, get prepared for my all over the place blogging tonight!!

First, just waiting for my St. Joseph statue.  I still haven't heard anything about when it is supposed to ship so I really hope that they get the show on the road and ship it!!

I'm a thinkin' that it really needs to get here cuz we've still not had any action for the last three weeks!!  Ugghhhhh, still just hangin' in there.

Ok, onto my next topic...I HATE DOING DISHES.  Wow I just realized tonight that I am soooooooo over doing dishes.  I would certainly like to just get our house built so I can have a dishwasher (and by dishwasher I do NOT mean ME!!!).  Really we have lived here 11 years so that adds up to lots of dishes being done by hand.  Ahhhhhhh I will be dreaming of this in the meantime.....

Ok, toasters are you ready to talk toasters???  Bwhahahhahaaaa I told you that I was going to be all over the place tonight!!  We were having tuna on toasted whole wheat english muffins and everything bagels...welllll my honey biscuit decided he was going to clean out the toaster tonight!!  Wait for it.....

Ryan decided to just tip the toaster upside down and do a little shakey, shakey to get the "few" crumbs out.  You ready to see the "few" crumbs?????

Sweet baby jesus I gotta belive that it was a good thing he dumped the toaster cuz that baby looked like a fire hazzard :P  Whew good thing Ryan is always looking out for us ;)  Hehehehe say it with me....SICK!!

Ok, final picture for the last Walgreen's stock up for the week.  Good lord, I've only been doing this 2 weeks and I have a crap ton of stuff already.  Ryan is going to build me some shelves in the barn this weekend as a matter of fact!!

Mom and dad might want to strangle us by the time we move in with our ginormous stock pile of goods.  Well either that or they won't have to go grocery shopping for a very, very long time.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Guess what I bought tonight???

Welllllllll I know this is hard to believe but I finally broke down and dropped the piles of money to order my St. Joseph House Selling Kit tonight.  Alright, alright it was a whopping 13 bucks with shipping.  Look out I mean business now :P  Hahhahahahaaa I sure hope it ships quickly so I can bury this bad dude in the back yard!!!!  Woooohhoooooo!!!!!

Woohhoooo good luck is coming our way.  Ok, short post tonight cuz I gots to get back to my coupon clipping.  I know...don't judge me :P

I'll be back tomorrow night with some awesometastic property pictures!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

I'm getting the itch....

and I don't mean that as a personal problem ;)  I am getting the itch to get the house started!!  I had totally stopped even thinking about the house when I was having my little pity party the last 6 weeks!!  However I am back into interior designer mode and getting anxious!!!  I want a deck soooooooo bad so I can buy one of the super cute patio sets I have seen on my recent shopping trips!! I want to be able to sit out on our super sweet deck and do my blog from there!!  I am feeling it....I really, really am!! 

Listen to me....I am starting to sound like Matt Foley, motivational speaker (I do NOT live in a van down by the river however)!!!

(photo courtesy of

Anywho, back on track.  I am back to being optimistic and I am going to order that d@mn St. Joseph statue I have been talking about!!

Ryan and I took a drive out to the property the other night and just sat out there for a bit and it was just glorious out there.  I am gonna take some pictures when we go out there on Wednesday night and I will include them on my blog that night.  I have to share some pictures of Jake's tree that we planted about a month ago.  We would have gone tonight but I have one very sick little boy :( 

Also thought I would share some pictures after my latest coupon run :P  Hehehehehee I am digging this couponing.  I tell ya...Walmart literally paid me to take some of this stuff off their shelves.  Takes some work getting prepped for the trip but it has been well worth it!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What do I need to do???

Seriously, what is wrong with our house that nobody wants to buy it???  I am trying not to sound like a whiner but I am sooooooooo going to whine.  This house just sold in Summerfield Township in about a freaking month!!

Our Freaking Competition

I see that this house has granite countertops and our house does NOT but come on!!  Grrrrr I just don't know what else to do!!!  Hey I know what to do....plaster my for sale sign all over.  So, here ya have it!!

So, if you are interested here it is!  For the record the mosquitoes were tearing me and Aunt Johnna up.  Oh yeah Aunt Johnna is here tonight. Wanna see her???  Here she is putting up with me blogging while we are trying to visit.....

She says hey stop whining about trying to sell your damn house and talk to me :P  Hehehehehe yeah right she loves me regardless.  Oh and truth be told, we've really been sitting here trying to figure out how to add my pictures to the blog from my camera (as if it was my first time...grrrr I have no memory). 
As I said, spread the word with all your friends out there cuz you know I appreciate it :)

So, like I don't have enough going on I thought I would start some sweet couponing.  Here is my score for the first half of the week.  Gonna make a couple more trips before Sunday rolls around!!!!  Here is the start of my stash......

Thank you!!!

I just had to give a quick shout out to one of my all time favorite blogs....


She put me up on her blog yesterday and I have had just about 1300 hits since her post.  Wooohhhooooo!!!  I just need to spread the word.  So all you out there reading me share the love and spread the word.  Wow, I sounded all peace and love there didn't I????
So here's to another mid-day post just to keep Katie on her toes.  I will have a full post tonight with my latest rantings.  Soooooooo I wil see ya'll then!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Come on, I need some input!!!

Ok,  so here it is!!  I need somebody to come up with a brilliant idea on how to get my house out there more!!!  I mean it....I need some ideas!!!  I know I asked you all before but my loyal followers must be the strong, SILENT type cuz I got zero responses.

It is out on Craigslist, on MLS and I have been shamelessly plugging it on Facebook but I NEED MORE people!!  Share your thoughts with me or well how 'bout you just share my house with everybody you know!!  Ugghhhhhhhhhhh I will be anxioulsy awaiting your kind thoughts in my comments section....
Sooooooooo I am going to continue on developing my plan to take over the world figure out how to shamelessly plug my house.  I will be looking forward to your input.  Whoever has the best idea gets a bozo badge!!!!!

DUDE, I apologize for the nightmares this photo may cause!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dream House Deals: Two For Tuesday!!

Well, well, didn't think I'd be back tonight did you????  Guess what?  I'm baaaaccckkkkk!!!  Bwwhahahahahaaa, insert evil laugh!!  So here ya have it and a 2 fer on the Dream House Deals:

This will be in Emma's new room.  We are going to go with the whole fashion designer theme in her bedroom and I got this picture at Target for I believe $19.99.  I absolutely LOVE this idea because I really think this is something she can grow into.  Hobby Lobby also has a TON of stuff to go along with this.  They have alot of fashion stuff and tons of Paris stuff as well.  I think her room is going to ROCK!!

Onto my next deal.  Now try to contain your excitement cuz this next DH Deal is pretty wicked awesome!!  Hehehehe, ok maybe it is kind of lame but I thought it was a good deal.  This is a towel set that I got for our main bathroom off the great room!!  They are just plain white but they are oh so fluffly and have that spa like feel.  LOVES THEM!!  I believe I got them from Marshall's for $ I LOVE that place.  Here they are.  Try to contain your excitement!!

There it is for tonight!! On a side note, I have started a little bit of couponing so I am sure to share a little bit of that along the way!  I had several comments from my loyal followers after last night's post and they made me feel all warm and fuzzy!!

I am back and feeling more optimistic than ever!!!  Woohhooo I am going to find that St. Joseph statue before the weekend is over.

See ya'll tomorrow night!!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Extra, extra read all about it!!
Here I am, back at it!!  Things have been crazy and on top of that I think that I was just a little bummed out!  I have been kind of frustrated and just  kind of OVER IT!!!  I am pulling out of that  downer mentality RIGHT NOW!!  I have to stay positive and know that it will happen soon.

Anywho, update on that last showing......
They came a week and a half ago and they liked the house and the barn but they were planning to put an offer on another property that our realtor has listed....another property that is $60K higher. Hey if they want to pay $60K more I am more than happy to take that!!

Ugghhhhh our realtor thought they were really looking for out buildings and not price caps.  The other house's barn was comparable to ours but the house was 500 sq. feet bigger.  So there goes that shot...wait, wait I can't think like that.  They hadn't written up an offer yet so there is still hope that they could decide to put an offer on ours, right RIGHT?!?!?!?!  I am done being down and gonna stay positive.
I have been so bummed out that I haven't even been watching HGTV, can you believe that????  HGTV is the crack to my addiction.  Sooooooo I am done pouting and am going to make this HAPPEN!!!

Hehehehehee so I am not nearly that cute when I am pouting...just ask my husband!!

So here goes, I have to get my mojo back and git 'er done.  We had 2 people stop and pull in the driveway last night to get our info off the for sale sign.  So hopefully we get some action this week!!!

I will be back tomorrow night, I PROMISE, with a dream house deals post!!  After all I would hate to disappoint JD and Katie :D