Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's like an episode on HGTV gone bad...very VERY bad!!

So, the inspection on Friday didn't quite go as well as I had hoped.  Yes the septic company was talking about a different house and indeed our septic tank was fine.  HOWEVER, when they started digging they found a different issue :(  The deal has not been scrapped yet.  As a matter of fact we haven't heard boo from the buyers since the inspection early Friday morning.  I have not lost all hope but am not feeling so confident about this deal working out.  Although I think the fact that they didn't withdraw their offer right away is a good sign.  Sooooo again I sit here and wait.  Again keep those fingers crossed and hopefully I get the scoop tomorrow.  Uggghhhhhhhh and again I hurry up and wait :(

1 comment:

  1. The suspense is killing me!!!!
    What did they find?

